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This project focuses on the four concepts of TIME, MEMORY, SPACE & DISTANCE.

Below is my development of the four concepts: 


For this concept I looked at the idea of time as in the sense of 'time + tide + moon' and the way in which time is endless just like the endless motion of the tidal pattern. The moon and it's location in the sky determine whether the river will bet high tide or at low tide.  
I also looked at time through the years, focusing on the history of the site and how it has changed, as well as how it's usage has changed and developed through the years. 
Below is a photo of my site taken in the early 1900's, full of young children playing in the river. 

Here is a photo taken at the same location in 2015, showing the constrast between now and the past and how the use of the riverside has changed. 

Below, I captured the detailing on the gate to the Royal Naval College representing part of the history of the building. This small detail is a reminder of the history of the area and represents what the college was orginally home to.

Below is my representation of time:

My conceptual model representing time: 

The model has been made from simple white cardboard, pipe cleaners and seaweed like material.
The large circular white card which runs around the outside of the model represents that time and tidal patterns are constant and will never end. This is the reason as to why I chose a circular shape to represent this as circles are never-ending. 

Here is some of the detailing which I have added into the circle. I collected a few images of what the site used to look like and the activites that used to take place here, reflecting back in time. I have also added coins and a few objects made from clay that replica what lays upon the riverbed today. 


My conceptual idea of memory was the idea that places, people, photographs, objects and sounds are part of what makes up the a memory in our brain. 

In this project I have represented memory through the use of different objects washed up on the riverside. Each object would have been part of someone's memory/history and now forms a new memory for people today. 

Below is my presentation on Memory as well as my site analysis: 


For the concept of distance I broke up the site into different sections, measuring the width of the River Thames, the riverside and the grass area. I also estimated the distance travelled by the objects washed up on the beach. 

For the concept of space, I split up my site into 3 different spaces focusing on the different textures of each area. Firstly, I looked at the riverside bank focusing on the contrasting smooth texture of the sand and the rougher texture of the pebbles. I also looked at the contrasting paving tiles, showing the change in style over time. The larger, more even and neater paving is much more recent whereas the smaller, cobble paving has been there for many years. 

Below is my presentation of both of these concepts: 


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